Saturday, January 05, 2008

Pat Shannan: Gov George Wallace Assasssinaton Attempt : Another Black Operation?

Just when you thought that your list of black operations (deep politics, Peter Dale Scott calls it) was more or less complete --at least going back to the 70s -- information surfaces about the assassination attempt on Gov George Wallace. --RB

Gov George Wallace too? Another Black Operation?

Summary of November 26, 2007 article by by Pat Shannan, American Free Press

In November 2007, Arthur H. Bremer was released from a Maryland prison after serving 35 years of a 53 year sentence for the attempted murder of Alabama Gov George Wallace in 1972. Pat Shannan’s November 26, 2007 article for American Free Press, “Evidence Shows Wallace Shooter Did Not Act Alone,” points to persuasive circumstantial evidence indicating that Bremer did not act alone -- that there must have been multiple shooters – yes, a conspiracy.

It turns out that Bremer’s gun, a Smith and Wesson Model 37 “Air Weight” carried only five shots. Shannan writes that Wallace was critically wounded by five .38 caliber slugs to the chest and abdomen. Then he writes that Wallace “sustained a total of nine wounds (two of which were “enter and exit” type through his right arm, and one of these went into his chest)."

But three other people were also wounded: Alabama State Trooper Captain E. C. Dothard, Wallace campaign volunteer Dora Thompson, and Nick Zarvos, a Secret Service agent. Thus, Shannan argues, there were a total of 12 wounds, but Bremer could only have fired five times.

Adding to the conspiracy evidence, Shannan cites a contemporary Newsweek magazine article which used diagrams to show that bullets would have had to enter Wallace from three directions: his right side, his front and from behind his left shoulder. “It is obvious,” Shannan writes, “that one man firing straight ahead, and even with enough ammunition, could not do that in the three seconds Bremer had before being subdued.”

In addition, the odd trajectories presented by Newsweek do not trace to a single firing position, and instead require at least one more shooter to be both behind and somewhat above Wallace. Shannan speculates that perhaps someone posing as one of the Prince George policemen stationed on the shopping center rooftop may have been the source of these shots from above.

Shannon helpfully reminds us of the RFK assassination and references a 1971 Los Angeles TV newsman, Ted Charach who “proved” that none of the eight shots fired from the 22 caliber revolver of Sirhan Sirhan even hit Senator Kennedy. As for who killed Kennedy, Shannan notes that Los Angeles Medical Examiner Thomas Naguchi discovered that RFK had two bullet holes behind the right ear that included powder burns. “Naguchi reported that the evidence showed that the gun would have to have been placed next to RFK’s head and the trigger pulled from 1-3 inches away.” Thus Sirhan Sirhan couldn’t have been the assassin.

As for the motive for shooting Wallace, Shannan notes that it was the Republicans, and the incumbent Richard Nixon in particular who were most “horrified” by the prospect that Wallace might gain 20 million votes in the ’72 election, most of whom they figured would come from Republican voters. If Wallace had garnered this much support, neither major candidate would have had a majority in the Electoral College. “If the election would have been thrown to the House, it would have guaranteed McGovern’s election.”

Shannon adds a paragraph of less persuasive, although intriguing, anecdotal evidence:

In May 1974, two years after the shooting, it was reported that Martha Mitchell visited George Wallace in Montgomery. She told him that her husband, former Nixon Attorney General John Mitchell, who also served time for the Watergate affair, had confessed to her that Chuck Colson, known as Nixon’s “hatchet man,” had met with Arthur Bremer four days before the assassination attempt. Bremer told his brother that others were involved and that he was paid by them.

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