Sunday, August 30, 2009

Letter to the New York Times --Obama and the Lack of Accountability

Another in the long list of my letters that the NYTimes has ignored. --RB

The New York Times
August 28, 2009
To the Editor
Re: "Abuse Issue Puts The Justice Dept And CIA At Odds", Front Page, 8.28.09
The latest developments in connection with US employment of torture on the pretext of fighting the "global war on terror," suggest that President Obama's dictum that we look forward not backward will be in the news for as long as he maintains such a misleading and dangerous political posture.
On the issue of accountability, we might like to recall Winston Churchill who effectively reminds us what's at stake. .
“The use of recriminating about the past is to enforce effective action at the present.” --Winston Churchill, 1936.
Ronald Bleier

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